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The list below includes our most frequently asked questions about our services.
If you have questions you're still looking for answers to, please reach out to us by clicking the button below, or by calling us during our office hours Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 5:00pm. We're happy to help!
How long can my puppy go in between pee breaks?Like babies, puppies do best on a regular schedule. A puppy can control their bladder one hour for every month of age. So if your puppy is two months old, they can hold it for about two hours. Don’t go longer than this between bathroom breaks or they’re guaranteed to have an accident.
Will you take my puppy out for a walk?Puppies younger than 4 months who haven’t had their first full round of shots are best to stay in the safety of the backyard. We can still run, play with puppy’s favourite toys, have a potty breaks and snuggle. Being out in public before puppy has had their shots makes them vulnerable to certain diseases, and we want puppy to be safe and healthy. Puppies who have been vaccinated can certainly go on walking adventures!!
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